"SKY CLUB" is happy to invite you to our "Hall of Fame" Festival. The rules of this Festival are very simple.





FORMULA: This Festival will be separated in 4 parts in June (01-08, 09-15, 16-23, 24-30), called "Weeks".

Every part (week) of this Festival will give you 500$ Awards for TOP 50 and Festival Points (FP) to TOP100 players.



MORE AWARDS: SKY CLUB continue to award with Daily Awards 3 / 2 / 1 $ for TOP 3 players with at least 2 MPs from daily tournaments.



SPECIAL FESTIVAL AWARDS: Accumulated Festival Points from all 4 parts can give you Permanent SKY CLUB Rank:

- for 50 Festival Points (FP) you'll become "SKY CLUB Player"

- 80 FP will give you Rank of "SKY CLUB Master"

- 100 FP for "SKY CLUB Expert"

- 110 FP for "SKY CLUB Star"

- The Winner with most accumulated FP from Festivals 4 weeks will become "SKY CLUB Champion" !!!





Be polite with everyone at the table - we apply ZERO TOLERANCE Rules. If someone at the table is impolite to partner or to opponents, please call TD and let him take care.



Only ENGLISH is allowed for communication until last board in round is finished. Conversations when bidding/play is in progress, are not recommended.



Dummy stays silent during the play.



Play FAST and FAIR - we'll not tolerate any potential slow play because of waiting of end-of-round.



ALERT all conventional bids, non-standard bids and also when in doubt (standard assumed SAYC). Please, pre-alert any "Strong Club" systems, 1NT with range, different from 15-17 pts, your leads and carding methods.



Explain your bids quick and correct on request from your opponents.



Every rude or frequently incorrect player will be included in our Penalty List. Frequently leaving SKY CLUB tournaments because of bad scores will be treated also as bad behavior.




No "Point system" is allowed (when 1-in-major open bid is not natural with at least 4 cards in bidded suit, and "Pass" mean more than 12 points).


No psych (bluff, poker) bids are allowed in 1st/2nd position. 3rd or later positions are open for psych bids, but if you feel that there's illegal agreement between your opponents, call TD immediately!


ABSOLUTELY no psych bids in ANY position with conventional bids.


SKY CLUB Team strongly recommend to all players to use SAYC as default bidding system in ALL SKY CLUB Individual tournaments. Understanding with random partner is hard enough to can apply new system any round...




If 2 players play from same IP, they need to ALERT TD on current SKY CLUB tournament about this before end of round 1.


If 2 or more players play from same IP (especially at Pairs tournaments) and they didn't notice TD about this, they can't win Awards in SKY CLUB. We're sorry about this rule, but we have seen a lot of cheaters around, and we would like to protect all of you, our fair players.