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SKY CLUB "Hall of Fame"
All time SKY CLUB Ranking


How to earn your
"Hall of Fame" Rank


Compete and reach one of the SKY CLUB's Ranks. Become:

- "SKY CLUB" Champion

- "SKY CLUB" Star

- "SKY CLUB" Expert

- "SKY CLUB" Master

- "SKY CLUB" Player

This is a PERMANENT Rank. Once you reach it, SKY CLUB will place your name in our Special SKY CLUB "Hall of Fame" page. You cant lose it. You can only reach higher level next time :)

How it will works:

1. Each month will be split to 4 Weeks.

2. Every week we'll give to our TOP 100 players "Hall of Fame" points (HFPs) - from 30 (to winner) to 10 (to 100th player). You can find these points at our Ranking Page. Players with equal Master Points earn equal HFPs.

3. Sum of your HFPs in all 4 Weeks will give your HFPs for this month. You have to reach some levels to earn your SKY CLUB Rank.

The levels are:

50 FP for "SKY CLUB Player" level

80 FP for "SKY CLUB Master" level

100 FP for "SKY CLUB Expert" level

110 FP for "SKY CLUB Star" level

Player wil most HFPs for month will become "SKY CLUB Champion" !!!


Enjoy the Bridge!


Sponsored links
Larry Cohen's webpage
Force Point - innovative bidding system
AttainDreams - SKY CLUB's hosting